Space Weather Facts & Forecast

Join amateur space weather enthusiast Isaac Bredeman for the current space weather conditions, a forecast for the next few days and beyond, and to learn details about fascinating space weather phenomena. This podcast is released on the third Saturday of every month.

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Saturday Oct 08, 2022

The solar wind is the single biggest space weather factor that affects Earth. But how does it originate? Or what even is it? Listen for the answers to those and many more questions. And you'll also get the space weather forecast, and find out about how Earth has been playing some cosmic CME dodgeball!

Saturday Sep 10, 2022

In this show, I take a look at the Kp index, and answer some common questions about it. Ever wondered what it is, how it's measured, or what it's useful for? Listen to find out! And I give next week's forecast, including the return of an X-flare player!

Saturday Aug 13, 2022

Coronal holes are one of the two solar features (along with sunspots) that can cause geomagnetic storms at earth. But what even are they and how do they do this? All the answers are in the episode! And of course the forecast, with a quiet sun, but still a chance for aurora.

Saturday Jul 09, 2022

Sunspots are the origin of most solar phenomena that affect earth. But what exactly are they and how are they classified? Listen to find out! And I also provide the space weather forecast, with the potential for a some aurora in the mix.

Saturday Jun 11, 2022

Space weather's effect on power grids is becoming a growing area of concern as humans become increasingly dependant on electricity. What are these effects and how can we prevent them? I answer that and more in this episode. Plus I give next week's space weather forecast, with the sun beginning to return to activity!

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